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How To Instantly Upgrade Your Home for Under $500

Nightmare, headache, frustrating, these are just a few words we've heard to describe home upgrades. But what if home upgrades didn't have to be that way? So what is the easiest way to upgrade your home? Lighting! We may be biased, but switching your lights is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to upgrade your home.

Lighting is one of those things we take for granted. Most homes come with an array of lights. Switching out those builder-grade and boob lights can upscale your home with minimal time and effort.

Where should I start? One of the most straightforward places to start switching out lighting is the kitchen! Although, it ultimately is up to you where you want to start upgrading the home. But we recommend starting with the kitchen because the kitchen is the heart of the home. Typically you can add 2-3 pendants over a kitchen island counter or swap out a boob light for an upgraded semi-flush or flush-mount. All of these options can upgrade a home kitchen with a simple lighting switch.

What type of light should I use? The type of light you want to use depends greatly on where you are switching out lights in your home. As mentioned above, we recommend starting in the kitchen. But you may want to start in the bathroom or the family room. In that case you would most likely use a bathroom vanity light or sconce for the bathroom or a chandelier or semi-flush for the family room. 

What lights do we recommend? We have made several collections of pendants, semi-flush, and flush-mounts that are well under $500. Because of course, we understand you may need more than one light, we wanted to include lighting that could be potentially purchased in multiples while still staying within your $500 budget. After, that's why you're here, isn't it? 

You can also find more boob light-swap options at our blog here

How do I install a new light fixture? You may be wondering if you can even install a light fixture on your own. We respond to that with a resounding yes! You can absolutely install a light fixture on your own. Of course, you'll want to take proper precautions such as shutting of electricity in that room while you do it, and following a guide. We love this article from HGTV on How to Change a Light Fixture.

And there you have it! You really can update your home for under $500. Who knew lighting was the way to do it? Though often overlooked, lighting is the jewelry of the home. With one simple lighting switch, you can upgrade your home by years. 

Liked this blog? Check out Five Lighting Trends for 2023 to stay up-to-date on this year's lighting trends. 

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